Social Media Marketing
Public Relations has branched into Social Media Relations. Your business needs to communicate with the news media and regular internet users. 23e2 will help you to understand the concepts and potential impact of the various social media platforms as they relate to your business, permitting your company to become “socially active” at an appropriate and manageable pace.
Because of a huge number of active users on these platforms, it is very important to target your prospective clients through social media.
At 23e2, we use social media platforms to engage with your audience to build your brand awareness, increase sales and drive website traffic. This usually involves sharing content on your social media platforms, engaging with your followers and running social media ads.

In order to make sure you are creating the right impression to your audience, the first step is to have the right strategy. This is where 23e2 can help you determine what are your business goals, which social media platform is right for your business and what type of content is the most effective for you. Sharing content is as simple as sharing an image, a video or a blog post. However, you will still want to plan ahead so that we make sure the content is effective and high quality. 23e2 can not only set up a plan ahead of time, but also schedule them to be published at your desirable time of day, day of the week.
In addition, we will also help you to reach audience that goes beyond those who are already following you by implementing social media advertising. This has become very handy for many business owners because the campaign can be very specific in targeting your potential clients based on demographics, interests and behavior.
A successful social media campaign should have a defined business goal. Some of the common goals for social media campaigns involve engaging with your followers or users, building email marketing lists, increasing website traffic, building brand awareness or directly driving sales depending on the nature of your business. When defining your goal, keep in mind that it should be somewhat measurable to keep track of.
At 23e2, we provide our clients their own login to our social media managing tool where they can view the monthly plan scheduled by our team and have the ability to comment and edit. You will also be able to add other managers to the work place because we understand as a business owner you have other important aspects of the business to focus on. Our platform covers all major social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and we have also added Google My Business recently which will allow you to share the content on your Google listings at the same time. Moreover, you will be able to monitor performance of your posts by simply logging into our platform and check the essential metrics for each post and page statistics.
In the social media world, things are rapidly changing every day. Therefore, your social media marketing strategy should also stay up-to-date in order to adapt to demographic shifts or any other significant changes. That’s why 23e2 is here to help you to monitor and adjust whenever necessary.

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