© 23e2 Business Services Inc. | Working With 3rd Parties
Ready to give your website’s SEO a real boost? Here are ten crucial tips that can make a significant difference. From speeding up your site to optimizing image keywords, we share insights into how to skyrocket your rankings. Discover the benefits of Google Analytics, creating unique content, and the key to finding a strong SEO balance. Ready to start your journey to exceptional SEO? Let’s dive right in!
A slow page can frustrate the user and discourage people from using your business product or service. According to statistics from eConsultancy, 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Site speed is integral to the success of your online persona. It is proven that Gen Z internet users, who make up one of the largest population of internet users only have an attention span of 8 seconds. It sounds scary but it’s true. To help, Google included site speed as one of the most important ranking factors. This means that if your website is slow, your chances for getting a spot on the top organic listings, regardless of the quality of your content or your professional website design is slim. Some suggestions could be to remove plug-ins, cluttered images, and unnecessary add-ons.
Google Analytics is an excellent way for you to see how your business is doing and how people feel about it. It allows you to see many things such as seeing how much traffic you get, see which pages get the most clicks exactly, see which backlinks are the ones sending you traffic, your demographic and much more!
Although this may seem counter-intuitive, it is actually very good for sites to send out valuable links. Doing so creates trackable traffic which can show google how you are an important step to getting certain information based on your key search words. It also makes your website a more valuable resource to users.
Using hard to read URLs not only confuse real users but also search engines. Most good URLs have a minimum amount of words and dashes, and little to no numbers. If your URL is not customized and is a jumble of letters, symbols and, numbers it can come off as a little shady and not professional. Keeping your URL short and sweet is a simple way to increase SEO. Only using keywords is a good way to let search spiders know how to deal with your website.
When users are searching for specific products, they often use keywords to describe it rather than the actual name of the product. This is the same idea for images. If your image is of a diagram, you need to label it accordingly with the key words whether it be in the caption or image link.
Creating unique content is integral to your SEO if you’ve chosen to market online. Keeping up a freshness score is also an integral part of being a top-ranked website. Though it may be difficult, creating new content shows the search engine that you are active online and will direct traffic towards you. Even if you’re not creating extremely unique content, publishing on a consistent schedule is another way to keep up the freshness score.
As Google recently launched a new mobile-first index, the need for your website to be mobile friendly is very important. If it doesn’t recognize your website as mobile-friendly, chances are you won’t be ranked highly. There are many websites and tools to test if your website is deemed mobile-friendly so go ahead and try testing your website now!
Fixing broken links is not only important to search bots, but also to the user. Having broken links can be annoying when a user is trying to know something about your business and can easily drive them away. It seems messy and unprofessional to have a website with links that don’t work even though the website is supposed to be informative. It fails to do its job for the user and it will decrease your SEO score.
Inbound links are one of the biggest factors affecting SEO scores. When you have many websites linking to you and you linking out other websites, Google will see this and reward your website. This creates a natural flow. Having other websites link you shows how they value your website as a resource and many users may think that as well and think of your site as a trusted source.
It may seem obvious but more and more people are catering their website to search engine algorithms rather than actual content for people. At the end of the day, you are trying to get loyal customers as they are the ones using your service or buying your product. Using keywords may put your website higher on the list but it may drive people away so finding a balance is key to having a healthy SEO score.
So, there you go! 10 handy SEO tips to get your website shining online. From cleaning up your site to make it faster, to making sure it looks good on phones, these steps will help you get seen more. But don’t forget, it’s all about making things better for your visitors first, then pleasing the search engines. Now, why wait? Give these tips a try and see your website take off!
© 23e2 Business Services Inc. | Working With 3rd Parties
© 23e2 Business Services Inc. | Working With 3rd Parties