How to know if your Google Listing is Claimed or not?

  • On Google Maps, if your Google Listing says “Claim this business”, it’s not claimed.
  • On Google Search, if you Google Listing says “Own this business?”, it’s not claimed.

There are multiple reasons why you want to get your business claimed on Google.

  1. People trust the information that’s presented on your Google Listing. Otherwise, anyone could have added that.
  2. Verifying your business on Google improves your Google local ranking. Yes, more people will be able to find your business. Click Here
  3. You have access to a whole new world of your Google Listing.
  • You’ll be able to edit and update the information on your Google Listing.
  • You’ll be able to access data like how many people have found your business on Google Search & Maps for the last 1 week, 1 month & 1 quarter. There’s access to lot more data.
  • You’ll be able to reply to reviews that your clients have left.
  • You’ll be able to post an event or discount or anything special happening in your business right now.
  • You’ll be able to add photos as the owner of the Google Listing.
  • You can manage users if you wanted someone else to manage your Google Listing for you.
  • You can also create a website from the information that is available on your Google Listing.

How to Claim Google Business Listing?

You can verify your business on Google through different ways:

  1. By Mail (Postcard)
  2. By Phone
  3. By Email
  4. By Google Search Console
  5. Bulk Verification

Give us a call today @ 647-349-2332 and we can help you get your business claimed on Google. Thank you.